Discover, Analyze, and Integrate NIH Common Fund Data
The NIH Common Fund programs generate diverse datasets from a variety of projects ranging from genomics to phenotypes. The Common Fund Data Ecosystem (CFDE) aims to facilitate improved discovery, reuse, integration, and analyses of these datasets to form novel hypothesis for accelerating discoveries in biomedical research.
The Common Fund Data Ecosystem (CFDE) aims to enable broad use of data generated by Common Fund Programs to accelerate hypothesis generation and discovery.
CFDE Webinar Series
The CFDE Webinar Series was established to share with the community information about the Common Fund programs that participate in the CFDE, as well as about the CFDE as a whole and its DCCs. This month, we will feature the 4D Nucleome (4DN) DCC, and Peter Park will present "4D Nucleome Turns 10: Mapping the Dynamic Architecture of the Genome."
Starts: February 28, 2025
Making data more FAIR
The Data Resource and Knowledge Centers are dedicated to enhancing the accessibility and utility of Common Fund-generated data and resources, striving to uphold the FAIR principles. This commitment serves as a catalyst for groundbreaking biomedical discoveries, fostering synergies across the diverse datasets within the Common Fund ecosystem, thereby unlocking novel avenues of research and innovation.
Social Media
Working to improve findability, accessibility, and interoperability of NIH Common Fund data sets and to encourage data reuse.

Social Media
Working to improve findability, accessibility, and interoperability of NIH Common Fund data sets and to encourage data reuse.