CFDE Chatbot

The CFDE chatbot utilizes the OpenAI Assistants API with registred workflows implemented in the Playbook Workflow Builder to answer queries related to DCC data types and general questions related to the CFDE and DCCs. Results of the registered workflows are visualized directly in the chat and are available for expansion and modificaiton in the Playbook Workflow Builder.
CFDE Chatbot

I'm an AI-powered chat assistant interface designed to provide information about the CFDE and help you access and execute tools created by CFDE DCCs. Please start by asking your CFDE or DCC related question of interest, and I'll try my best to help you answer it.

In which GTEx tissues is AKT1 most highly expressed?
Which L1000 drugs most significantly up or down regulate STAT3?
Which L1000 signatures up or down regulate my gene set?
Which mouse phenotypes significantly associated with ACE2?
In which pediatric tumors is ACE2 expressed?
Which regulatory elements are associated with ACE2?
Can you provide information about the glycan G17689DH?
How can I integrate data from SenNet and A2CPS?
In which ARCHS4 tissues is NFATC1 expressed?
Which small molecules or drugs may induce autophagy?

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