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Assignment of a subject as a member of a collection

If populated, subject_in_collection.tsv will contain one row for every assignment of a subject as a member of a collection.

All fields are required: this table can be empty (header-row only), but any non-header rows must leave no fields blank.

Some examples:

  • If you don't have any subjects contained in collections, this table should be left empty.
  • If each subject is contained in exactly one collection, this table will have the same number of rows as subject.tsv.
  • If each subject is simultaneously a member of three collections, this table will have three times as many rows as subject.tsv.

Usage note:

  • If a subject is a member of collection X, and collection X is itself a subcollection of some other collection Y (as expressed in the collection_in_collection table), then subject_in_collection.tsv should only record the membership of the subject in collection X: the subject's (transitive) membership in collection Y will be automatically computed. In general, subject_in_collection.tsv should record only the most specific (leaf-most) collection memberships: transitive membership of subjects in ancestor/superset collections will be automatically inferred from the containment relationships expressed in collection_in_collection.
FieldField DescriptionRequired?Field Value TypeExtra Info
subject_id_namespaceIdentifier namespace for this subjectRequiredstringThis will be the value of id_namespace in the row in subject.tsv corresponding to the subject referenced in this row. If your program has not registered multiple CFDE identifier namespaces, this will be exactly the same value for all rows.
subject_local_idThe ID of this subjectRequiredstringThis will be the value of local_id in the row in subject.tsv corresponding to the subject referenced in this row.
collection_id_namespaceIdentifier namespace for this collectionRequiredstringThis will be the value of id_namespace in the row in collection.tsv corresponding to the collection referenced in this row. If your program has not registered multiple CFDE identifier namespaces, this will be exactly the same value for all rows.
collection_local_idThe ID of this collectionRequiredstringThis will be the value of local_id in the row in collection.tsv corresponding to the collection referenced in this row.

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