
Sourced from the CFDE-CC Documentation Wiki

The C2M2 collection entity is a generalization of "dataset" -- a named grouping of files, biosamples and/or subjects.

Defining collections is optional. The collection.tsv table will have one row for each collection you define for your program.

Please see the technical documentation for a complete treatment of how C2M2 collections are used.

FieldField DescriptionRequired?Field Value TypeExtra Info
id_namespaceA CFDE-cleared identifier representing the top-level data space containing this collection [part 1 of 2-component composite primary key]Requiredstringid_namespace is a unique URI prefix pre-registered with CFDE and attached to your program (or a subset of your program) that identifies anything labeled with it as belonging to you. Please see the technical documentation for a full discussion of how this information is built and used.
local_idAn identifier representing this collection, unique within this id_namespace [part 2 of 2-component composite primary key]RequiredstringThe string formed by concatenating the id_namespace and local_id field values must be unique for each row in this table. Please see the technical documentation for a full discussion of how this information is to be used.
persistent_idA persistent, resolvable (not necessarily retrievable) URI or compact ID permanently attached to this collectionOptionalstringMeant to serve as a permanent address to which landing pages (which summarize metadata associated with this collection) and other relevant annotations and functions can optionally be attached. Please see the technical documentation for a full discussion of how this information is to be used.
creation_timeAn ISO 8601 -; RFC 3339 (subset)-compliant timestamp documenting this collection's creation timeOptional(string) YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS±NN:NNExamples: 2021-01-08T00:00:00-00:00 ("Jan 8, 2021") 2021-00-00T00:00:00-00:00 ("2021") 2021-01-08T00:45:40-04:00 ("Jan 8, 2021, 12:45:40AM, Zulu minus 4") Please see the technical documentation for a complete treatment.
abbreviationA very short display label for this collectionOptionalstringShould not exceed 10 characters; can only contain 0-9, a-z, A-Z and underscore ("_").
nameA short, human-readable, machine-read-friendly label for this collectionOptionalstringIf specified, must be unique to each collection.
descriptionA human-readable description of this collectionOptionalstring
has_time_series_dataDoes this collection contain time-series data?Optionalstringallowed values:true, false, null true == yes, contains time-series data false == no, doesn't contain time-series data null == no info provided Note: 'null' here means no value provided in the TSV: a zero-length string not the four-character string "null"

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