
Sourced from the CFDE-CC Documentation Wiki

This table must not be manually created. Users should skip this, and all other tables marked "Built by script" in this summary, preparing only the rest of their datapackage's TSV files (those marked "Prepared by submitter") for submission. Once the "Prepared by submitter" tables are ready, users should then use the C2M2 submission prep script to automatically generate this table (and the other "Built by script" tables) using the information in the "Prepared by submitter" tables.

The phenotype.tsv table will have as many rows as the number of unique Human Phenotype Ontology terms appearing in collection_phenotype.tsv or subject_phenotype.tsv.

FieldField DescriptionRequired?Field Value TypeExtra Info
idA valid Human Phenotype Ontology termRequiredstringHuman Phenotype Ontology lookup Examples: HP:0000349, HP:0012425
nameA short, human-readable, machine-read-friendly label for this Human Phenotype Ontology termRequiredstring
descriptionA human-readable description of this Human Phenotype Ontology termOptionalstring
synonymsA list of synonyms for this term as identified by the Human Phenotype Ontology metadataOptionalJSON array of stringsprovide empty JSON array [] if value is null

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